IoT Embedded Smart Monitoring System with Edge Machine Learning for Beehive Management
The need of an automated support system that helps beekeepers maintain and improve beehive population was always a very stressing aspect of their work considering the importance of a healthy bee population. This paper presents a proof of concept, further referred as a PoC solution, based on the Internet of Things technology which proposes a smart monitoring system using machine learning processes, diligently combining the power of edge computing by means of communication and control. Beehive maintenance is improved, having an optimal state of health due to the Deep Learning inference triggered at the edge level of devices which processes hive’s noises. All this is achieved by using IoT sensors to collect data, extract important features and a Tiny ML network for decision support. Having Machine Learning inference to be performed on low-power microcontroller devices leads to significant improvements in the autonomy of beekeeping solutions.
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International Journal of Computers Communications & Control